Addison Herron-Wheeler: HighTimes
California-based dispensary brand Airfield Supply Company just unveiled CHECK YOURSELF, an awareness program supporting self-examining for breast cancer.
“We are using the new year, when so many look to set personal wellness intentions, to remind Californians from San Diego to San Francisco that if you are old enough to enjoy legal cannabis, you are old enough to make monthly self-exams a part of your routine. As with cannabis, there still exists a harmful stigma surrounding breast cancer, and yet breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women globally, with one in eight women afflicted,” said Airfield Supply Company’s Chief Executive Officer Marc Matulich in a press release.
“We have partnered with Kiva and formed this first-ever cohort of California cannabis retailers in order to help change consumer behavior for the better, because—by removing the taboo, educating ourselves, and leading the conversation through action—lives can be saved. Our legacy emanates from the medical cannabis movement and keeping cannabis focused on the many different ways it can positively impact health is in our DNA. This is a massive labor of love for all of the partners involved and a fundamental conversation for us to drive in continuing the discussion around cannabis, personal wellness, and good health.”

Gummies For a Good Cause
To make CHECK YOURSELF a reality, Airfield Supply Company is partnering with Kiva Confections, another California company, on a passion fruit-flavored gummy infused with live resin. All of the cannabis companies are working alongside Keep a Breast, who promote self-checking for breast cancer. Money will be donated to support breast cancer research as part of this initiative.
The gummies are vegan and feature the standard 10mg of THC. The live resin infusion is from the Banana Bubblegum strain, an indica-leaning hybrid. There will be messaging on the packages empowering young people to self-examine.
“Creating a limited-edition edible is not something we take lightly at Kiva, where research and development can be time-consuming. The passion that Airfield has for this cause was simply contagious, and it quickly became clear that we had to be involved. Our team is incredibly proud of the Passionfruit gummy that resulted from this collaboration, but we are even more proud to support Keep A Breast’s important, life-saving mission,” says COO Adam Grablick of Kiva Confections.
“The opportunity for Keep a Breast to partner with California’s cannabis industry is monumental, because this is an industry that is becoming increasingly wellness and health conscious, that spans across every demographic and adult age group, and that appreciates exploring important issues from new perspectives,” adds Executive Director Shaney Jo Darden of Keep a Breast. “We believe in meeting people where they are and helping to spread the important message about early detection in fun, light-hearted ways and now—with the Lost Farm Live Resin Passion Fruit gummy by Kiva—delicious ways.”
The gummies will be available across California at Airfield Supply Co. (San Jose), The Apothecarium (San Francisco), Jayden’s Journey (Modesto), King’s Crew (Long Beach), March and Ash (San Diego), Solful (Sebastopol), and Sweet Flower (Los Angeles).
Addison Herron-Wheeler: HighTimes
Published: 2021-01-15 22:34:02
Original Article link here
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